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Chennetier, G., Chraibi, H., Dutfoy, A., & Garnier, J. Approximating committor functions with graph-based mean hitting times: a key to efficient importance sampling of piecewise deterministic Markov process.
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Chennetier, Guillaume, Hassane Chraibi, Anne Dutfoy, and Josselin Garnier. “Approximating Committor Functions with Graph-Based Mean Hitting Times: a Key to Efficient Importance Sampling of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Process” (n.d.).
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Chennetier, Guillaume, et al. Approximating Committor Functions with Graph-Based Mean Hitting Times: a Key to Efficient Importance Sampling of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Process.
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title = {Approximating committor functions with graph-based mean hitting times: a key to efficient importance sampling of piecewise deterministic Markov process},
author = {Chennetier, Guillaume and Chraibi, Hassane and Dutfoy, Anne and Garnier, Josselin}